Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Review of Agents of SHIELD Episode Yes Men


The long awaited Agents of SHIELD and Thor cross over aired last night. The episode featured Lady Sif from the Thor movies and Lorelei an Asgardian from the comic books. Overall the episode was a delight so let me get into it. 

I won't get too much into the plot this time so there won't be too much on spoilers. Basically Lorelei escaped her prison during the last Thor movie and has made her way to Earth. Lorelei's power is basically to control men with her voice. She is power hungry and is more than willing to use men as a means to take over. She also seems more than willing to have people killed. Sif was sent to capture Lorelei. There are a lot of great fights and great humor.
Lorelei certainly had a lot of Loki like charm and really takes the scenes she was in. Sif had more time on the show than she did in the movie and also help steal the show. I especially enjoyed the moments she had with Coulson. It was expected that she'd react to finding out Coulson was still alive but her surprised really showed that even for gods  coming back the dead was a bit of a shock. Also Coulson talked to her a little about blue aliens but in the end he didn't find out anything about the one SHIELD had. The fight between the two Asgardian's were one of the best scenes. There was a lot of action and the talk they had showed off the kind of relationship the two of them had. I tell you that was a bit intense and Jamie Alexander showed off her acting skills. It was a simple thing but her expression really showed how much pain Lorelei's words caused her.
In the end after the battle is won and possible hearts are broken Coulson reveals to Skye where the cure came from. At the end-and this is a spoiler-May has been spying on Coulson and reporting back to someone about his actions.

Overall I liked the episode and it was good to see how the show fits into the larger Universe. Jamie Alexander as Sif was great and Lorelei as a villain was well played I hated her and I loved hating her which with villains is a good thing. Like I said she had the Loki effect and the villains are just have more fun and that really came through. The plot was a little obvious but was well acted. The episode did push along the overall plot which you want to see happen. Plus it had a few more twists that keep everything up in the air and the watchers guessing. There were lots of stuff from the comics and movies that fans are going to love looking out for. Overall all I'd give this episode a 4.7 out of 5.

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