Thursday, September 5, 2013

Review For Futurama Series Finale "Meanwhile"

Futurama. Comedy Central and 20th Century Fox.

Today we review the final episode of the long running on and off series Futurama. The series has had seven seasons and number of movies that spans 13 years.
This episode deal with a classic trope of the guy learning he wants to spend his life with the girl he loves, still this is Futurama and they have a habit of turning tropes on their sides. Thanks to a new invention from the Professor a love struck Fry proposes to Leela. Things go awry and Fry ends up in a tragic time loop.
Let's get to the good and the bad of the episode. For the most part the story progress in a nice steady pace and the idea of time loop doesn't become the boring and frustrating repeating the same scene over and over again that tends to happen. Most shows just repeat the dialogue and actions over and over again so it was refreshing to see an episode where the time loop pushes the plot along and just give new jokes and new material. The time loop is handled in a very unique way as the device only allows someone to go back ten seconds and it takes ten second for the device to recharge, these limits are the driving force of the episodes plot.

The whole romantic plot of this episode does not feel force, it's been 13 years that they'd been playing with the relationship so for long time viewers it was long awaited pay off. The relationship with Fry and Leela was handled in a very touching way that stayed true to the characters. After time gets broken by the main characters leaving only Leela and Fry still moving while time stands still they decide to still have their weeding and live. Then the viewers get to see Fry and Leela spend years together on a very long Honeymoon exploring the world together.
One of the most beautiful thing in not only this episode but the whole series as a whole was them exploring the world. In a science fiction shows viewers normally see cosmic wonders or possible wonder but this episode had them exploring the wonders of the world we live in. Leela and Fry spend their life together exploring the world, taking time to take in the sunset that we take for granted everyday, witnessing the wonders of a majestic waterfall and even walking on the oceans to go and visit marvels like the Eiffel tower. This episode is a reminder that our world is beautiful in small wonderful ways like the individuality of a snowflake that we can't see or just the awe inspiring vastness that the world is. It was just a reminder to take in the wonders in our very own backyard. Leela and Fry spend their lives trapped in a second but it is a life well lived because they had these wonders to share with each other. The episode stood as not only a symbol or hope but of happiness and love.
There was great emotions brought out by the characters . Bender the lovable and somewhat heartless robot shed a tear of happiness when he realizes Fry is growing up when he wants to get married. The rest of the crew go through crazy lengths that could result in their death to save Fry. Fry and Leela gather their time frozen loved ones simply so they can share the moment of their wedding with them even though they'll never know it, it just goes to say how much they care about their friends and family. One of the more touching moments is at the very end when they can resolve everything and reset time to how it was before and Fry asks Leela if she wants to do it all over again she replies with a simple, "I do." It was wonderful to see that even after spending years alone together they still love each other enough to go through it all over. The writers and actors did a wonderful job for the final, doing what they should, making the viewers remember why they will miss these characters and why they loved them in the first place.
As a finale episode it was wonderfully touching. The episode did what good science fiction should do and make us take a new look at the world we have. It was a wonderful pay off to see how the characters end up. It is always remarkable to see how a comedy can bring such touching moments to audience. For the finale I give this episode five out of five and well deserved bravo.

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